When bored, we all love twirling our hair or picking on our skin. Whether it’s anxiety or just a random thought in our head, rotating and twisting any object that comes into our hands is fun. Be it obsessively clicking a pen or tapping your foot, you may find it temporarily soothing or stress-relieving, but when it comes to your new piercing, be it ear, nose, eyebrow, or your lips, twisting or playing is a bad idea that can instantly cause an uninvited injury.
Some people do this because they assume that leaving the piercing unattended will lock in the jewelry for a lifetime. Don’t believe that! If you think rotating the jewelry on your new piercing will prevent it from getting stuck, you’re wrong!
3 Risks Of Twisting Your New Piercing Jewelry
Here is a list of 3 possible risks associated with twisting your new piercing jewelry that may cause severe damage to your skin.
1. Bacteria Accumulation
Amidst the process of healing, twisting your jewelry excessively may widen the hole, and hence, accumulate bacteria around it. The crusted skin surrounding the jewelry can enter the piercing hole, spreading bacteria inside.
Remember, unwashed hands are a big source of germs that we unknowingly collect with time. From doorknobs to switchboards, we touch many surfaces with bacteria on them. So avoid touching your new piercing jewelry with dirty hands.
2. Inflammation
Twisting your piercing jewelry unnecessary can cause inflammation to the skin, which may irritate it further. Newly pierced skin is very sensitive. Before it has properly healed, irritating it by moving the jewelry will only serve to delay the process. Think of it as a puncture within your skin. Constant tugging and pulling of a stud or a ring around it will only cause further damage.
3. Bleeding
Moving the jewelry around a new piercing back and forth can create small tears, which can quickly turn into a deeper wound. Once a wound is formed, the bleeding may become heavy. In that case, you will need to rush to a nearby hospital to stop the bleeding before the situation gets worse.
So, it’s better to be safe than sorry! Instead of worrying so much about putting yourself in such risky situations, it is always a good idea to look after your new piercing and jewelry with the utmost care and responsibility.