
Whoa, Nelly, It’s Our First Vlog!


Hey there piercing addicts, happy Super Bowl Sunday! We have some exciting news….umm, other than the Super Bowl that is. We are so excited to launch our first vlog along with our regularly scheduled blogs. We know how difficult it is to visualize some piercing and body jewelry trends at times and for as long as we have been blogging for you, we thought it was time to get it up to par by providing some videos to go along with our blogs. And let’s face it, watching and listening can be whole lot easier than reading sometimes.


If you aren’t already doing so, be sure to check like, share and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter for the latest updates on everything piercings and a chance to win awesome body jewelry giveaways every single week. Don’t forget our huge Guess, Share, Win contest is held once a month on our Facebook page. Without further ado, let’s discover the 5 piercing and body jewelry trends to try NOW!


Faux Lip Rings


We love how simple this is and how big the return on investment is. A non piercing lip ring can change your overall appearance in a heartbeat. Pair a simple gold or silver toned non piercing lip ring with ombre lips and you have yourself an instant upgrade for this season. Lip clips are gaining traction this season with a few celebs (which we will not name but we ALL saw it) sporting faux lip rings. We’ve always been googly eyed for faux piercing jewelry and even more so this season with it’s emergence into the mainstream fashion world.


Get the look by visiting your favorite online body jewelry destination and search for lip clips or non piercing jewelry. Choose one that speaks to you. If you are olive undertone or darker, silver tones tend to pop against the contrast of your skin and of course, faux lip rings in various colors are bold against any skin tone. Choose whether you want to wear it to the side or in the center…we recommend the lower lip for faux clips since they tend to stay put better with the plumpness of the lower lip. Gently squeeze the clip until snug on your lip but take care not to go too tight. Cutting off the circulation or causing injury to the delicate lip tissue is not how we want to enhance your lips!


Hair Piercing


Okay, so this one isn’t a “real” piercing but it is a damn hot trend we love. We first saw these on the runways and magazines last fall and it continues to thrive mainly due to the reason that it is so EASY to replicate and so versatile- the two factors that can hinder or boost any trend. Let’s face it, if it’s too hard to do at home, it’s not going to last too long.


Hair piercings work beautifully on braids and up do’s alike… we love it on all hair colors so there’s really no going wrong with this one. To get this look, first choose the color of the clip non piercing jewelry you want to use – you can easily figure this out at home by taking some of your existing jewelry and holding it up against your hair in natural sunlight and see whether gold or silver is your top choice, or bright colors, which look great for festivals and day time. Do you hair as you wish; fishtail braids, braid offs to one side, regular and reverse french braids are all great styles to experiment with before adding the non piercing clips. Add a clip on the sides or centers of the braid for an instant wow factor.


P.S. We used the faux lip clips for both of these looks – a total plus in killing two birds with one stone so to say… we reco the multi pack which comes with 10 clips for just $3.99!


Embellished Belly Rings


To date, we have never met anyone that looked at a belly/navel piercing and said, “eww. I don’t like that.” That is probably for a good reason since belly rings look great on virtually everyone and it is one of the most popular piercings other than the ears in the United States.


Embellished belly rings have taken a front seat in the body jewelry not just because of how popular the piercing is but also due to the fact that jewelry designers have become so nimble and intricate with details that it no longer looks cumbersome to have dangling pieces of feathers, gems and jewels. For this season, we love the feather embellished belly rings. They come in so many wonderful colors, both natural and synthetic, that add so much flare to any body jewelry wardrobe.


Ear Cuffs


If you are looking for quite possibly the simplest way to upgrade your ear jewelry game, using an ear cuff might just be your best option. We love how easy to use they are and how much of an impact they have on the ears. Just one ear cuff with plenty of bling to spare can take you from casual to glam in 2 seconds flat. Sterling silver ear cuffs with no jewels or gems are great too, especially for a casual day out with the girls, paired with jeans and cute vintage tee.


Wear them on the outermost bend of the cartilage or close to the top, it’s up to you. You cannot go wrong with ear cuffs.


Teeny Tiny Studs


With the rise of the constellation piercings in full swing, teeny tiny studs are highly sought after this season. Since the number of piercings to achieve this look is usually 3-5, the size of the jewelry has gotten smaller so that they can be worn in harmony without overwhelming what small ear space we have.


Mixing and matching is key here. Whoever said that “everything must match” is not quite going to get the full benefits of teeny tiny studs for the constellation piercing. The key is to choose a genre and mix and match from there. For instance, if you choose “night sky” as the genre for your mix and match style, using star and moon ear studs will create a custom look that is in harmony yet have variety. Using a cat, spaceship and other random ear studs are great too but we love the genre mix the most.


Watch Our First Vlog

Now that we have shared our top 5 body jewelry and piercing trends to try now, be sure to check out first vlog below. We’ll show you what jewelry we used, how to apply the jewelry and any tips that we discovered along the way. We’ll have links in the video description for all of the jewelry used in this video for you convenience. We’ll thank you in advance for your patience as we get our video blogging sea legs together. Enjoy our video and see you next week![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title=”Our First Vlog! 5 EASY Body Jewelry & Piercing Trends You Must Try Now!”][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/Im86ljycBKE”][vc_column_text]Hey everyone! Welcome to our very first vlog! We thank you in advance as we get our sea legs for vlogging. Be sure tune in every Sunday for our vlogs for the latest in body jewelry and piercing trends and a chance to win a weekly giveaway!

Don’t forget to subscribe to get the latest on piercing and body jewelry inspiration : goo.gl/vqTBT4

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Jewelry used in the video :
Hair Piercing & Faux Lip RIng

Embellished Belly Rings

Teeny Tiny Ear Studs

Ear Cuffs

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