
The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, where we take the time as a nation to educate people on breast cancer and help both men and women understand the importance of maintaining good health. While many people are aware of the disease, the month of October is here to educate people on the importance of prevention, regular screening and exams should be done, and it is as simple as doing it at home. Breast cancer is more than just a lump, women and men should do routine exams for prevention. Are you looking for a way to help find a cure? There are so many different fund raisers and events going on it shouldn’t be hard to find one. The most popular are the 5k runs/walks that are sponsored throughout the month, each state and almost every city has an event during the month of October that you can go out and show your support, there are golf tournaments and many other family friendly events that you can take part in. If you really want to be a game changer, you should try and starting your own fundraising event, host your own awareness event for the community.

During the month of October we usually take part in some sort of community awareness event and wear our pink clothing dont forget to wear your pink ribbon body jewelry to show your support year round. We have items for both body piercings and those who do not have body piercings. From pink ribbon belly rings to a pink ribbon finger ring. Show your support for the cure and all of the women who have survived breast cancer. Get out and participate in a community event this October and join us in the fight for the cure, get educated and pass it on!
