Teenagers, specially the college goers want to do something that gives them ‘crowd pleasing’ image. Some try to impress others with their expensive bikes or cars, some do that with their sense of humor, some of the people try to make the difference with their x-factor. Yes, the X-factor; which makes the person special and popular in the friend circles. But, what is this x-factor? Does it come to a person by learning or its inborn power? The answer to this question is anything that is done in a simple way but with a difference.
For those of you, who want to add a spice in their personality and become one of the famous personalities in college, can try with a secret which is simple yet powerful. Before, disclosing the powerful mantra, one thing of importance is that this unique thing is only for those, who have confidence in themselves & can carry any style with required grace & style.
This is the art of body jewelry. The Fashion industry has led a fashion of wearing different styles of trendy jewelry on different body parts. The cool look of wearing funky jewelries is quite popular these days. You can go by simply wearing an eyebrow ring or lip ring. There are different types of lacets available in the market that adds on to the trendy look.
Where girls can play with their belly by adding a cool stud or elegant belly ring on the navel, boys can go bold with nipple rings. Wearing lip rings, eyebrow rings, trendy nose rings are also amongst the popular trends followed by both girls & boys. These body jewelries can be worn by simply going for piercing that is done by several piercing professionals in US. It’s advisable to only consult professionals, who use sterilized products for piercing in order to avoid any sort of infection.
You can choose these jewelries from several online body jewelry stores as well as retail stores in US. They have vast collection of body jewelries that includes countless designs, astonishing patterns, several color hues, etc. Also, as per the skin type you can choose the metal of the jewelry. With this scintillating collection of body jewelry available at reasonable price, making experiments everyday is much easier.
Go ahead, do something out of the box and enjoy being the most happening personality amongst your friend circle.