[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have such a special treat for you this week as we get personal with celeb tattooist and master piercer, Shane Munce of Olde Media Tattoo. Located about 20 minutes west of Philadelphia, this tattooist has an impressive list of super high profile clientele and has been featured in numerous awards, publications, television features and even a spot in the coveted Guinness Book of World Records. We are so lucky to steal a few moments from this tattooist and piercer extraordinaire for our Industry Highlight feature.


Before we go bonkers on Shane, be sure to check in every week on our blog for body piercing, tattoo and mods inspiration and appreciation, as well as the latest on body jewelry, piercing news and industry highlights. Whether you love piercings, tattoos, dermals or scarification, we want to connect with you. Be sure to hit the RSS button on the right to get the latest on our blogs as we bring in the season with all new content and so MANY chances for you to be a part of our page. If you are interested in being featured, just holler at us at Marketing@BodyJewelry.com for details. We’d love to make the connection, get to know more about you, your shop and your craft….we love all things body mods, not just piercings!


Now to get to the good stuff….

Shane and his work caught our eyes and hearts because of his ever lasting professionalism, raves of positive testimonials and his cult following fans. We love artists in the industry that help to promote safe and ethical practices as well as bring new levels of creativity with their craft. For every horror story you hear about a body modification gone wrong, we can attest that there is a professional out there that can clearly off set that statistic with incredible dedication and professionalism. Shane is one of them. With years of experience perfecting his craft, celebrities as well as every day body mod fans like you and I, have sought out this artists for his expertise. Personally, I have had some of my first piercings ever done with Shane and have nothing but amazing things to say about my experience; the piercings I received from him, including a set of 3 surface piercings on my abdomen, a monroe piercing and a set of 4 navel piercings. We’ll dive right in and get to know what brought him into the industry, some of his faves and more. Be sure to check out snippets from his tattoo gallery book below, as well as follow him on his media for the latest in inspiration, projects and more. He is located in close to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, so those of you lucky enough to be in the hood can check him and his work out in person.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Industry Highlight w Celebrity Tattooist & Master Piercer, Shane Munce”][vc_single_image image=”5020″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=”http://www.lovehatetattoos.com/”][vc_column_text]

  1. What is your name and what is the name of the shop/business you are with?
    My name is Shane Munce and I work at Olde Media Tattoo.
  2. Where is your shop located?
    We are located in Media, Pennsylvania
  3. What is your professional title/role there?
    I am both a tattoo artist and a body piercer
  4. How long have you been doing what your craft?

    At this point, I have been tattooing for 18 years and professionally piercing for 23 years

  5. What made you get into this? Was this a lifelong dream or something you stumbled into?
    While attending the university of University of Delaware for my bachelors in Fine arts I stumbled into my love for both body modification and tattooing. I began piercing in the state of Delaware, and actively sought out an apprenticeship for tattooing.
  6. Over the years, are there any jobs/projects that you have come to absolutely adore? Such as a type or style that has been your favorite to do on a client?

    Absolutely. In tattooing I have come to love realism. I feel it is the most challenging. The thing is you have a photograph to compare it to and of course people are going to be critical over what you do. So its either you can do it well, or you absolutely can’t. Even people who know nothing of tattooing can pass judgement on whether or not your work is accurate or not. Not like other genres of tattooing, where the artist can hide behind their craft and say people that are judging their work, unless an artist, don’t know what they’re talking about.

  7. What about your least favorite? Is there something you have come to dislike? Why? (Ex, doesn’t heal well)
    In piercing it is dermal anchors. With a success rating of about 30%, I refuse to do them. I’ve had 6 myself, and every one has at least partially rejected. In tattooing it is copying another artists work, or poorly designed pieces that a potential client refuses to let me “clean up”
  8. What body modifications do you have on yourself, if any?

    I have maybe 50% of my body covered in tattoos, piercings in various ear locations, both nostrils, septum both nipples done vertically and horizontally, and implants in my arms and chest.

  9. Which one is your favorite and why?
    I’m not even sure. As far as tattoos go I tell people I have fetuses and vaginas tattooed on me. Meaning beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As far as piercings go Id have to say my nipples because I can’t imagine my life without my multiple nipple piercings.
  10. Who is your most outrageous client? (You don’t have to share the name of the person unless it is someone you are proud to be the artists to)
    I’d have to say tattooing friends are always great. Also tattooing someone like Corey Taylor of Slipknot and Stone Sour. Corey is a remarkable person of whom Ive tattooed multiple times over the past 8 years.Him and I have similar interests and senses of humor so we’ve laughed our asses off the entire time.
  11. What advice would you give someone getting their first tattoo or piercing?

    Research, Research, Research. Always find a professional that is capable of executing the work you desire to have. If you have a friend that “knows a guy” that doesn’t do it full time or in a licensed shop because you think you’ll save yourself some cash, then save the extra money and seek someone that has mastered the craft. You’ll end up regretting it otherwise in the long run.

  12. Is there anything else remarkable about your career, shop or craft that you would like us to highlight?
    I am blessed to be in a career that every morning I wake up and look forward to going to work. Even my days off I look forward to returning to work.

instagram: @shanemunce
twitter: @shanemunce

Olde Media Tattoo
920 N. Providence Rd.
Media, PA 19063
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