No matter the time of year, showing off your mid-rift calls for gorgeous Body Jewelry belly rings. They carry a fine selection of belly rings from top designers that will enhance style without being over-the-top. You will find belly rings that perfectly fit your design and style preferences while browsing through a wide selection of body jewelry.
Top Belly Ring Selections Include:
- Dangling Belly Rings
- Acrylic Belly Rings
- Reverse Belly Rings
- Belly Shields
Why Do You Show Off Your Belly Ring?
Besides being thrilled about finding the perfect belly ring, why do you show off your belly button ring? Is it psychological or straightforward? Contemporary society and cultures have all reflected body modifications, or bod-mods. In some cases, bod-mods are a way of being welcomed into a group or tribe. In other ways, more contemporary ways, belly piercings are a modern piercing that is all about expressing your individuality.
Belly Rings Are Fashion Forward
There are many belly rings available now in a variety of designs, shapes, materials and colors. Perhaps you prefer to wear jewelry with your birthstone in it. Maybe you have been working out hard and want to accentuate your mid-rift and bring attention to it. In some cases, you may want to emulate your favorite model, actress or latest fad. Fashion trends can go skin deep with gorgeous belly rings.
Express Your Personal Identity
Expressing your personal identity is something a lot of teens, young adults and college students want to do. There is no better way than bod-mod piercings like belly rings. Bod-mods are known to reflect interests, inner personalities, life goals as well as a personal life philosophy. Nearly 35% of women have belly rings with 4% of young men following the bod-mod way of expressing themselves per a Pace University study.
The Youthful and Rebellious Shock Factor
Sometimes belly rings are meant to shock. For example, this could mean multiple piercings that are meant to reject the mainstream, or at least parents that are mainstream. Distinguishing yourself with a belly ring is a healthy way of showing your true personality without any harm. Belly rings perfectly accentuate outfits with mid-rift cut-outs so you can show off rockin’ abs that you have spent many hours in the gym perfecting. The reason why you choose a belly piercing are personal and a great way to show everyone who you are.