
The New Body Piercing FAQs

Every major decision in life should be made with a clear mind. Piercing is considered to be an important decision because it stays for you for a long period of time. That’s why it’s normal to have concerns towards it.
Do you have question to ask your piercer? An itch to scratch? Say no more.

Are Body Piercings safe?
Yes, well, most of them are. Body piercing is both an art and science. It takes a lot of heart and skill to do this. Piercings, in general, cause damage to the body and some areas can be severely damaged if not performed well. That’s why you need to find a professional piercer to get it done for you.
In the case of the sterility of the instruments used in the procedure, your piercer should use aseptic technique. Meaning, there should be fresh gloves every piercing, use of sterilized needle and the use of autoclave in sterilization of the tools and instruments every after procedure.
Remember, the piercer’s priorities should be your health and safety though out the procedure.

What’s the procedure and how long does it last?
It is usually done with a gun piercer using an extremely sharp needle. It’s really quick therefore making it painless. Proper aftercare is don immediately.
It depends on the body piercing. For facial piercings, 10 minutes is what it takes. But for more intimate ones, it may take longer because of privacy and adjustments.

Will it hurt?
To tell you frankly, yes, it will, although everyone’s level of tolerance and interpretation of pain is highly variable. It can be painful but only for a few seconds. For the rest of the healing process, it will feel like a slight pinch.

What jewelry should I choose?
For starters, the recommended for piercing jewelry are stainless steel (316L or 316LVM), titanium (6A14V ELI) or gold (14k or 18k). To prevent adverse reactions, these are the best materials and they should be free of nicks, burrs, scratches and polishing compounds. After it heals, you can experiment on new ones.

What type of piercing is commonly done?
Facial piercings, like septum, eyebrows, lip, cartilage, and belly piercing. There are whole new array of body piercings available these days such as the smile piercings, the Medusa Piercing, SnakeBites, Helix, Double Helix, and SO much more. The days of simple tongue or eyebrow piercings are over! For the daring, and sensual, nipple and genital piercings are requested.

Where should I go to get my piercing?
We recommend going to a trusted, professional piercer. They use strict protocols to give you the best piercing experience you can enjoy.

How much does it cost?
Pricing has a lot of factors. It also depends if the piercing comes with the jewelry or not. The type and location of a piercing can make a difference. When you want an affordable jewelry, choose surgical steel because it’s cheaper than titanium. The best thing to do is to consult with your piercer for the exact price.

How long will it heal?
For facial piercings, three to four weeks. For belly and genital piercings, seven weeks or more. It depends on the type of piercing you want, however, the general rule of thumb is the

After care regimen?
Always remember not to touch it frequently after getting one. Wash with saline solution and let it air dry. Proper hygiene will get you anywhere. Report if there is pus because it’s a sign of infection. Be sure to follow the piercer’s instructions.

What age is legal to have piercing?
Minors should be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
For earlobes, age 7.
Navel, Cartilage and Eyebrow, age 15.
Tongue, lip, labret, age 16.
Other piercings, age 18.

That said, we hope this answers some of your questions regarding piercings. Need a starter kit? Come and visit our online store to know more about the latest and recommended body jewelry for your new look.

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