
The Great Nipple Controversy

What does Miley Cyrus, Chelsea Handler, Chrissy Teigen and Matt McGorry have in common? They are all firm believers and supporters of nipples. Women’s nipples. And their right to be seen. As you guys have probably guessed already, we love nipples. Nipple piercings that is. So we did a bit of our own digging to let women’s nipples be seen, with to without piercings.


The Nipple, for both males and females, is one of the most popular piercings to date. They are sensual, easily hidden, a source of pleasure for some, a fetish for others and most of all, a beautiful part of the body. When we first of the #FreeTheNipple movement, we wanted to learn all we could as we, in the piercing and body modification industry believe in the right to show (or hide) parts of our body as we see fit. We painstakingly go through the process of getting our love buttons pierced, why the heck should we have to hide it???


The right to choose how we show ourselves on media and elsewhere is what #FreetheNipple Movement is about.
Image by Glace Kelly

The Rise of the Nipple And Their Respective Piercing


The Free The Nipple movement was founded by Lina Esco, a film maker. The idea that nipples shown on males are accepted as a norm in our society and nipples shown on a woman was “sexual”, “inappapropriate” and even illegal in some states. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook reserve the right delete or flag accounts that show female nipples. So, why is that that female nipples have been sexualized by society to be somewhat taboo for general consumption when no one bothers to flinch when they see a topless man? A bias, indeed.


This movement fights for women’s equality as well as body equality. There is much argument around what should and should not be censored. What do you think? Is it okay to display on media the killing and torturing of animals and people, violence and police brutality but not women’s nipples? Why then, did we come to accept as a society that women’s breast were something to be hidden and kept from the eyes of children, even though breasts themselves, are used to feed and nourish babies? When was the last time you saw a women breast feeding and felt weird about it?


We’ve been able to place a man on the moon but we haven’t figured out as a whole, how we can be more accepting, less biased and open. We in the body modification industry, have been facing such questions for decades. Nipples, pierced or not, male or female, are just a body part. Like our hands….

Stars Studded Nipples


Stars like Miley Cyrus have spoken out about this as light continues to be shed on the topic of body equality. Kylie Jenner is rumored to be a big fan of the piercing industry and occasionally lets her nipple piercings show through light and sheer fabrics. Nicole Richie has been known to let her pierced girls hand out from time to time.


Nipple piercings are one the most versatile AND sensual piercings one can have. It truly let the wearer exercise the level of exposure; from full on flash to allowing the body piercing jewelry to peek through sheer fabrics or by simple going braless under clothes. Personally, we love nipple piercings. The body jewelry that is available is so much more delicate than the age old straight barbells, not that there is anything wrong with them. Gems and jewels, dangles and chains make the new nipple piercing jewelry so highly fashionable and worth showing off a bit. We totally get why Nicole Richie is proud of her girls and piercings!

Whether you let it all hang or you stay sultry in a more subtle way, women should not be legally punished for showing some nip here and there. Image by @colorfulghosts

Want to Free Your Girls?


While Go Topless Day has already passed (August 28) this year, you can still make a statement for this cause for body equality by sharing your pierced girls with us. If you feel bold, drop us a line to support the movement with us by sharing a photo of your pierced nipples for our next blog. Let us know if you want to remain anonymous or if you want to share with the world just how lovely your nipple piercings are, not to mention your girls.


What do you think? Should breasts be banned on media? Is it too spicy or have been brainwashed by a bunch of prudes to think women’s breasts’ and the willingness to show them in public is the problem? When is the last time you let your nipple piercings take the stage? Drop us a line….we want to know what you think.



#FreeTheNipple #NipplePiercingsRock

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