Non Piercing Jewelry is Making a Comeback
Thanks, Kim. Let’s just start right there. We love that Kim was seen on media with a faux lip piercing recently. We’ve always loved non-piercing jewelry due to the easy on and off and the no commitment flexibility to try in various locations on the body. We know that non piercing jewelry is making a major comeback so we wanted to rediscover the fun versatility and style of the non piercing body jewelry.
Before we get started, we wanted to send a special shout out to all of the wonderful piercing addicts that have been making our #Instagiveaway #PiercingTrivia a fun, fun experience for all of us. For those of you who haven’t had a chance to join: every Wednesday on Instagram, we host the BodyJewelry.com #InstaGiveAway contest. We’ll post a picture of rad body jewelry piece for giveaway and a fresh new piercing trivia question every week. Be the first to answer the question correctly in the comments (be sure you are following us!) and you’ll instantly win the body jewelry in the photo. That’s it. That simple. We’ll DM you for your info and mail out the jewelry to you so further action is needed. Yeah… it’s that simple.
Rise of the Lip Ring
So Kim Kardashian is finally making a debut on media again, which went radio silent (rightfully so) after the Paris robbery/attack a few months back. Like a flower that withers for a season only to bloom even bigger and brighter is what we expected, but the delightful diamond encrusted lip ring she donned was an even better surprise. At first there was speculation whether the lip ring was real or a fake, it’s allegedly fake. And you know what? We dig it.
Not all of us are born with the conviction and resonance to know exactly where we want to have a piercing, especially when it comes to our lips. (Personally, I have gone from monroe to madonna; it was hard to decide which side it looked better on me until I had a chance to have piercing and jewelry for a bit, so I feel ya, the struggle is SO real!) Having the option of playing around on where on your lips the jewelry will look best various greatly on personal style, face shape, lip shape, type of jewelry and more is really a no brainer on why it’s making a huge comeback. The lips are one of the easiest places on the body to adorn with non piercing body jewelry because of the anatomy, so why not take advantage of this trend? Take a cue from Kim and place a splice of silver or gold smack dab in the center of the lips.
Super Cute Clips & Cuffs
Another non piercing trend that is hot to the minutes are cute, well designed cuffs and clips for the ears. We’ve seen it all over the web and media, having multiple ear piercings and jewelry is the new way to dress up and accessorize the ear lobes, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity. It looks great on everyone and is an easy way to get a customized look without having to go over the top.
With non piercing jewelry for the ears, such as ear clips and cuffs, it easier than ever to get the look you want without the commitment of having to get each ear pierced. Ear cuffs provide the look of having substantial bling and spark on your ears without having to commit a single piercing at all. Ear cuffs and clips are easy to use, just slide on over the lobe and adjust the tension so that it’s not too tight and but not loose enough where it could fall off from movement. Simplicity at it’s best, we say.
Nose Clips & Septum Rings Galore
One of the best things about nose and septum piercings is that you can “fake it til you make it”. Nose clips and non piercing septum rings are super easy to put on and off and they are virtually impossible to detect whether they are real or fake. Nose clips simply glide over the nostrils and can be places any time your heart desires and come in a wide variety of styles to give you just as many options as having actual piercing. Non piercing septum rings are a quick and easy way to update any look in a less than a minute flat. They also come is a wide variety styles and placing them is a cinch. Simply slide into the septum and give it a quick squeeze to set into place and enjoy. A septum ring with no commitment is like having your cake and eating it too.

The Holy Trinity of Non Piercing Jewelry
Couple of quick tips for those of you ready to rock this look right now:
- Don’t over do it. Choose 1 or 2 non piercing jewelry looks. There is absolutely no reason why you need to rock all of them on the same day, unless of course, that is the look you’re going for. Choose a piece and place that is most comfortable for you.
- Take your time…try different areas of the face and body to discover which angles look most natural.
- Start small. If you are planning to wear non piercing jewelry to an upcoming event, try wearing it for an hour at home to make sure you are comfortable. Nothing is worse than trying to hide discomfort at an anticipated event.
So now that you got the 411 on the holy trinity of non piercing jewelry that is trending as hard as pastel colored hair last year, go try it out. Since there is absolutely no commitment involved in non piercing jewelry, we say go nuts… and not just because we are total piercing and body jewelry fanatics, but because…how many times in our lives can we go nuts and try things that we only dream of with no commitment and very low overhead? Hardly ever!
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