
Body piercings have been around for centuries. People around the world from different backgrounds, social statuses, and religious beliefs practiced the art of body piercing. Not all piercings that are done today derive from ancient or tribal practices. There are many artistic variations to the plain old lip piercing. The lip piercing was a ancient and is a present day tribal piercing that is also used to show social status and religious beliefs among certain African tribes.



Just like any other form of art, piercing artist have come up with variations of traditional piercings. One of those piercings is the medusa piercing. The medusa piercings is a creative twist to the traditional lip piercing. Based on a survey results taken by young adults between the ages of 18-24 piercings are increasingly popular among Australian teens. Along with other top rated piercings, these teens voted the medusa piercing as one of the most wanted lip piercing. The medusa piercing is placed directly in the middle of the upper lip. For all fashion guru’s if you want to keep up with the latest Australian fashion and you are considering a new piercing, we highly suggest the medusa piercing!  If you in the market for a new lip ring, check out our large selection of medusa piercing body jewelry with low international shipping rates and rapid delivery our Australian customers love shopping for their body jewelry with us.

If you are interested in participating in one of our survey’s contact us at to see if we will be having one in your area!