Mom’s We Love
Mother’s Day is just around the corner, we thought we’d do Body Jewelry special on MILF’s, or Moms I’d Like to Follow. (Get your mind out of the gutter!) We wanted to highlight the hot moms out there that are really expressing their style and living their lives to the fullest with hip, stylish, on point body jewelry style.
Thanks to the modern world of expressionism and free will, we are living in one of the most creatively tolerant times where we can be free to be who we want to be. And that goes for all the rocking mothers out there that are leaders, role models, fashionistas, and style setters. Mothers have such an important roles in our lives and often have an overwhelming list of responsibilities, so we salute these wonderful mother’s out there that find the time and creativity to continue sporting their style.

Be Bold
We’ve got our eyes on super style guru, Mae (@MaeSharee) who dons a beautiful septum piercing combined with an eyebrow piercing, multiple ear, cartilage, and navel piercings. She amps up her style with everything from plain horseshoe circulars to septum hangers, depending on what her mood and outfit calls for and proudly sports various types of adorable hoops, dangles, and studs on her ears. We love her fun, fearless style and want to remind moms everywhere that being a mother does not mean you have to give up your sense of adventure when it comes to expressing your personal piercing statement. Navel and septum piercings are wonderful for mothers and anyone else who wished to have piercings that can be easily covered or work well with retainers. Septum piercings are notoriously compatible with just about any type of retainer, both surgical steel, gold, or clear since you can flip the retainer up into the nostrils for quick coverage if needed.

Be Fierce
This Miami-based vixen is a mother of two, devoted wife, and owner of Fierce Faces Artistry. It’s amazing that this pierced beauty, Jerrelee Fierce (@JerreleeFierce) , finds that time to build on her personal style and brand with her signature dermal implants on her left cheekbone. A beautiful, yet bold way to compliment any facial structure and accentuate lifted cheekbones for bold. Dermal implants are a great alternative to piercing to traditional facial piercings and leave much smaller of a scar when it comes to removal, making them ideal for delicate areas such as the cheek bone. Dermal implants also give you access to adorn areas of your body traditionally not recommended for piercings, such as the back of the neck, collar bones, and in conjunction with tattoos. Try a dermal next time you get the itch for a new piercing- they are just so delicate and look great on everyone.

Be Daring
We love this mama bear and her adorable little cub. Heather (@ooolalaheather) and son Kingston are not at all camera shy as you can tell by their Instagram page. We love Heather’s bold, southern belle style that screams traditional bombshell meets the modern maven. With a beautiful combination of simple yet stunning nose ring and a jewel adorned monroe piercing, she’s got the combination style down to a science. Paired with bold lipsticks, this look is a classic with a hint of edginess that any woman can benefit from. Stategic combinations such as these make a look unique and 100% yours.

Modern Mavens Make Marvelous Mothers
We love that nothing slows down the modern mothers of today. We have so much to give thanks for to these special ladies. Wish you favorite body piercing MILF an amazing Mother’s Day by gifting her something inspired by our special MILF edition Idea Book below.
No matter how busy life gets and how much we dedicate to work, family and other obligations, remember to take time out to honor the inner goddess within. Connect with the fierce, bold and stylish femme fatale that begs to be recognized. What better day than Mother’s Day to do so, right?
MILF (Moms I’d Like to Follow) Idea Book