
Magical Moons

You are probably wondering what in the world could you do with your body jewelry on a full moon…

Before we get in too deep about that, we’ll learn a little bit about this super full that we can begin to see tonight (observed on Monday, November 12th, 2016 in its greatest visibility). The full moon coming up tomorrow night is drawing some serious attention from just about everyone, including NASA and for a good reason.

Although we have had quite a few super moons this year, the super full moon that that is coming into view for most even tonight is the closest it will be to the earth for a while…the next time we encounter this on earth will be our grandchildren’s generation.


Mystic energies around the full moon! @aqsa

The Full Moon Feels

So what is it about this super full moon that has everyone googly eyed other than the fact that it is just beautiful and breathtaking to gaze at it? For starters, the symbolic meaning behind the moon cycles have been around for almost as long as we have. From indigenous tribes to ancient cultures, the moon cycles represented many things specific to each, with their meaning and practices stemming from it, some which has been lost in translation. What we can gather is that there is definitely an energy behind it that feels a bit like magic.

According to vedic philosopher and astrologer Kalki Das, “This is the moon when pure and unconditional love is accessible for all, Yogis and Saints for thousands of year have celebrated this particular full moon with the inner desire to awake pure love (bhakti) in their hearts. The symbolism behind this Full Moon is the sacred dance of love between the Soul and the Divine.”

It is believed to be said that secret desires and wishes for whatever you heart longs for is to be written down on a piece of paper then burned in fire on this super moon to manifest the wishes to come true. So whether that is for love, for money or simple more body jewelry (in our case) – be sure to take a moment out tomorrow night to go outside and observe the last time this decade that the moon will be this close to earth to lend it magical powers. Oh…and take your body jewelry with you. (We’ll tell you why below.)

Body Jewelry Cleansing via Full Moon

The super moon not only grants wishes, but it has a powerful energy that is said to cleanse stones of the negative and unwanted energy that we pick up along the way when we wear jewelry with semi precious stones on them. Semi precious or natural stones include quartz (all colors and sizes such as rose quartz), citrine, unakite, lapis lazuli, tiger’s eye, opal, jade, carnelian, sandstone, obsidian and so on. This includes diamonds.

Natural stones are mineral from the earth that have developed a natural structure that lends it the quality and traits that it carries. These stones are said to be a living, breathing part of nature that can hold and exchange energy, just like water. Over time, as we expose our natural stone body jewelry to the elements and energies, they are said to begin carrying those energies and hence dull their original metaphysical energies. For instance, rose quartz is recommend for those who wish to have great self love, unconditional love and raise self esteem. Rose quartz is a popular stone for ear plugs, belly rings and more.

Go check out your jewelry stash tonight. Do you have belly rings or plugs that have natural stones or are maybe even entirely made of natural stone? Do you have body jewelry with diamonds? You can “re-charge” these stones tonight and tomorrow night (most powerful when it is super moon, however, if you miss this super full moon, the next one will do) to restore their natural metaphysical healing properties.


Natural Stone jewelry are a great way to keep your stones near and dear. @marleymitch
Natural Stone jewelry are a great way to keep your stones near and dear. @marleymitch

Place the body jewelry on cloth, tray or plate. If you live in an apartment, place this on the balcony over night, where  you can see that moon light. If you live on the ground floor or in a house and don’t feel comfortable leaving your beloved jewels outside, that is quite understandable; look for a window or window sill that gets direct moon light and place it there. Let it bathe in the moonlight over night. Declaring an intention for them at this time can be useful too, such as for protection, good luck, to draw in more love into your life, or to attract wealth. You can look up your jewelry stone properties on our blog, “Let’s Get Stoned : Part 2”.

Be sure to bring your jewelry inside or off of the window sill upon waking the next day. The stone’s properties have been restored and are fresh to assist you with your intentions. If you feel a particular piece of jewelry that calls to you, be sure to listen to your instincts and wear it it is in your will to do so. It said that stones can call to its owner and that feeling of deep resonance when you see or touch it is usually the calling.

We hope you will “charge” all of your beautiful semiprecious and precious body jewelry by taking advantage of this very, very super full moon tomorrow![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title=”Natural Stone Body Jewelry ” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-heart” color=”blue” add_icon=”true”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”5058″ img_size=”” alignment=”center”][vc_btn title=”SHOP NOW” shape=”square” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bodyjewelry.com%2Fsas18.html||target:%20_blank”][vc_single_image image=”5063″ img_size=”” alignment=”center”][vc_btn title=”SHOP NOW” shape=”square” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bodyjewelry.com%2Fgold-navel-ring-with-smokey-quartz-gem.html||target:%20_blank”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”5062″ img_size=”” alignment=”center”][vc_btn title=”SHOP NOW” shape=”square” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bodyjewelry.com%2Fpusqte.html||target:%20_blank”][vc_single_image image=”5067″ img_size=”” alignment=”center”][vc_btn title=”SHOP NOW” shape=”square” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bodyjewelry.com%2Fn106065.html||target:%20_blank”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”5066″ img_size=”” alignment=”center”][vc_btn title=”SHOP NOW” shape=”square” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bodyjewelry.com%2Fpstnrq-00gpr.html||target:%20_blank”][vc_single_image image=”5060″ img_size=”” alignment=”center”][vc_btn title=”SHOP NOW” shape=”square” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bodyjewelry.com%2Fgdnbs43.html||target:%20_blank”][/vc_column][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_separator color=”blue”][vc_custom_heading text=”Follow us for Piercing Inspiration” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center|color:%231e73be”][vc_column_text][instagram-feed][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]