
Deep Down: Your Guide to Vertical Clitoral Hood Piercings

Ever had a deep and dark secret? Those kinds of things that are pleasurable but embarrassing? May it be a good thing or a bad one, remember, you do what’s good for you or whatever makes you happy. Talking about pleasure, why not vertical clitoral hood piercings?
Clitoral hood piercings are your unconventional ones. It takes a lot of courage and determination for this type of piercing. Not only will you prepare yourself physically but also mentally. Genital piercings are a life changing decision!

The Origin

Let’s talk about the clitoris, first. It’s the small sensitive organ located underneath the upper apex of the labia minora. Though the history of Clitoral Hood piercings is vague, some historians would say that it dates back to the 19th century when nipple piercings were discovered. It was commonly believed that having genital piercings would provide sexual stimulation. Someone began experimenting on the clitoral hood because it was safe.



The Word is Vertical

Although there are horizontal clitoral hood piercings, it only functions as an ornamental one, unless you put a circular barbell, it won’t provide that sexual stimulation clit piercings boast. Most consider the vertical one because of the anatomy (the labia majora allows little room for horizontal) and pleasure (having the jewelry against the clitoris will increase stimulation).

The Jewelry

It doesn’t matter if it’s hidden or not. What’s important is how would you decorate it. Captive bead rings, straight barbells and circular barbells go well with vertical clitoral hood piercings. Deemed aesthetic, they are the ones that add to the stimulation that makes your clit piercings well sought after.

The Deed

Important thing to remember: Make sure you make your area presentable. It’ll make the procedure easier. And like any other piercing, it will hurt but it also depends on your pain tolerance. The professional piercer might recommend you to take a pain killer prior to the appointment. With keeping the sterility in mind, the piercer will use a needle to go through your hood to create the piercing. he may fill it with the jewelry of your choice. The actual procedure is really quick and it heals pretty well for 3 – 4 weeks.



The Million Dollar Question

Does it really give an extra punch to the sexual experience? Although it may reduce the sensitivity of the clit if overstimulated, many women have shared positive accounts regarding this added option. Many have said it increased their clitoral size which contributed to increase sensitivity. Some reported that oral sex and the use of sex toys became more pleasurable after getting it. Most importantly, thanks to this piercing, some women were able to experience a real orgasm for the first time and had the potential to have multiple orgasms. Talk about pleasure!

The After Care

Expect the area to be swollen and tender immediately after the piercing. bleeding is also common. Make sure to keep it air dried but this can be a problem because your vulva tends to be moist. You can wear cotton undies because it’s breathable. Refrain from sexual intercourse until it properly heals. Have your partner use a condom because the secretions might attract bacteria and infection may ensue. Wash your piercing with normal saline solution but don’t over do it.

Oh, what wonders can a little piercing do! What’s good about this is that you can keep it private and only share it with those you wish to. Add that sexual enjoyment to your life right now. While you’re at it, try browsing our online body jewelry destination. We have cool Captive Bead Rings, Barbells, and more that will get your heart racing for something sensual.

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